He is the individual behind the following anonymous social media accounts:
Twitter – @TinkerBanket | @GroupEduco | @educofirebird
Instagram – educonworld
Reddit – u/vardypartykodi | u/throwawayeducovictim
These are the ones that are known to be operated by him. Some were suspended by the platform moderators, however there may be more.
Facebook, LinkedIn & Reddit – Breen was removed² from these platforms as a result of several complaints, and being found guilty of such actions as copyright infringement and harassment.
In approximately 2002, Breen’s relationship with a then girlfriend ended.
Breen then proceeded to stalk the newly single girl.
A police complaint was raised and Breen was arrested by the UK Metropolitan Police for harassment and stalking. Subsequently a legal restraining order³ was imposed on him.
Breen broke the conditions of the restraining order and was, according to Breen, arrested again by the police at his place of work, and in front of his work colleagues. This caused Breen further psychiatric problems, including a form of Tourette’s Syndrome⁴.
As well as commencing treatment for PTSD⁵ with the UK National Health Service (NHS) during week commencing 9th May 2022⁶, Breen has also experienced bouts of Psychosis⁷.
The last time he saw this ex-girlfriend was when he stalked her along Sutton High Street, approximately 20 years ago, and then followed her into Sutton police station, where she was given police protection from him⁸.
According to Breen, his most recent girlfriend, and one with whom he appeared to have a serious relationship with, died.
Breen however does not make it clear which year she died in. In one Twitter post he states November 2020 and in another post he calculates it as being in November 2019⁹.
After her death, Breen returned to stalking again; this time using a cyber approach with his anonymous social media accounts, pseudonyms and technical know-how. He has been described as a mentally unstable sociopath¹⁰, hiding in the dark and attacking others from the murky shadows.
In November 2020, after approximately 20 years, Breen redirected his attention to his former girlfriend, who he had physically stalked after their relationship ended and resulting back then in a restraining order being imposed on him.
From this time, Breen cyberstalked¹¹ and harassed, using several anonymous social media accounts, not only this former girlfriend of his but also her entire family and extended family, including making several comments about her elderly mother and her deceased father in the most disrespectful manner. Breen also did the same to her friends and acquaintances, and made malicious allegations about her to her employers.
Breen has libelled¹² and slandered¹³ several other people, even phoning to speak with employers and associates to make what has been described as ludicrous, malicious and unfounded claims, including regarding sexual assault and human sex-trafficking. When these organisations failed to take him seriously, with some reporting him to the police, he began attacking them¹⁴.
Breen often calls people vile and unsavoury names and threatens them. Some of his posts and comments have been agreed by the police as being hate speech, vile, misogynistic, nationalistic, racist, malicious, threatening and abusive¹⁵.
Having discovered that this former girlfriend of his had attended particular seminars and courses, Breen also started harassing other attendees as well as the organisers themselves. He also started attacking unrelated courses and disciplines, and always using his anonymous accounts and pseudonyms.
Breen states that he has never attended any of the seminars and courses he attacks, or studied any of the disciplines he complains about¹⁶. Yet he has been described as being unnaturally obsessed about them.
On 13th May 2021, Breen made a startling admission to physically turning up at the home of one of the seminar leaders on 26th April 2021, taking photographs of their property and later posting these online, along with the address¹⁷. Local police being aware of this.
Breen constantly posts anonymously on social media how he feels that ‘groups’ are ‘attacking’ him¹⁸ and he once stated that he would happily go to prison for ‘the fight’¹⁹. Yet it appears that every time he gets arrested, he complains²⁰ bitterly about it in an anxious manner.
Recently, several police complaints, spanning many UK police forces, have been made against Jonathan Breen beginning in November 2020.
The first of these resulted in Breen being arrested again and subsequently attending court²¹ in London on 8th April 2021 on charges of harassment.
The case was adjourned so that a psychiatric assessment²² of Breen could be made. He was then released on bail.
The hearing went ahead on 6th May 2021 where Breen pleaded not guilty. A trial date was set for 13th September 2021, with Breen once again remanded on bail.
During this time, Breen claimed that the victim he was harassing was orchestrating all of this simply to ‘silence him’²³.
At his trial on 13th September 2021, Breen was found guilty of the crime of one count of harassment, contrary to section 2(1) and (2) of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, against his former girlfriend. Breen was again released on bail, awaiting his sentence.
On 4th October 2021, Jonathan Breen was sentenced to the following:
Pay Costs – £395.00 GBP Total. £300.00 to the UK Crown Prosecution Service. £95.00 to fund Victim Services.
Community Order made Rehabilitation Activity Requirement²⁴ (known as ‘RAR’) – 30 DAYS.
Curfew²⁵ Requirement with Electronic Monitoring²⁶ – 4 MONTHS. Curfew details: Daily between 7:00pm and 7:00am.
Restraining Order made for the defendant in the following terms: Not to contact directly or indirectly, not to post anything online referring to the victim directly or indirectly – 3 YEARS.
The UK Criminal Justice System states that verdicts and sentences in criminal cases, such as stated here, are a matter of public record. Under English Law it is a general principle that criminal court proceedings for adults should be held openly and in public. The verdict and sentence are given out in open court and so are in the public domain.
Despite the above sentencing, Breen continues to cyberstalk and harass the family, friends and acquaintances of the victim (his former girlfriend) and those others mentioned. The police have commented that Breen clearly has no regard for the law.
Before the above court case was heard, and utilising his software programming background, Breen also took the time to personally create a website dedicated to attacking and spreading further misinformation, libelling his victim and her family.
This website was later removed from its platform by the American hosting company following Breen’s trial and his subsequent conviction for harassment of a woman.
Despite stalking a woman for the second time, despite at trial being found guilty of harassing a woman for the second time and despite being convicted for the second time for having committed this crime against a woman, this man Jonathan Breen continues to depict himself as the victim and openly uses #MeToo²⁷ on his social media posts.
Jonathan Breen is currently being investigated by several UK police forces and has the following open criminal cases against him:
In the UK when a criminal case is opened, there will be sufficient evidence to present to the Crown Prosecution Service.
Since November 2020, Jonathan Breen has been arrested multiple times and questioned under caution by police on several occasions as part of their ongoing investigations against him.
On 19th October 2021, only 15 days after being sentenced in court, Breen was arrested once again in a separate police investigation, having all his electronic equipment seized²⁸.
After being questioned by the Metropolitan Police, Breen was assessed by an approved mental health professional and subsequently sectioned²⁹ under the UK Mental Health Act (1983). As a result of this psychiatric examination, Jonathan Breen was detained in a secure mental health facility³⁰ for 15 days³¹.
Through his constant and anonymous social media posting, Jonathan Breen attempts to detail conspiracy theories, continuously positioning himself as a victim.
The truth is that these are the facts:
These are the consequences of Jonathan Breen’s own actions, and not for any other reason as he tries to make people believe. Keeping these facts away from his followers and anyone associating with him does not give them the complete picture. Is this dishonest of him?
Jonathan Breen has been described as a very strange man living in his own little bubble, taking no accountability for his own actions, and hell bent on ruining other people’s lives. This may be true; he has suffered a bereavement and he does have, by his own admission, psychiatric problems that include psychotic episodes.
Bearing all this in mind, the question for anyone who makes the time to read his anonymous posts and comments is, does he provide facts and truth?
For those who associate with him, has he made them fully aware of his criminal record and illegal activities, both past and present, or does he simply continue to mislead us all?
Breen’s only non-anonymous social media account uses the Twitter handle @WebbyJon. His several other accounts are all anonymous.
Breen confirmed he was “kicked off” LinkedIn in a Twitter post he tweeted at 11:42pm on 20th March 2020. In a Twitter post he tweeted at 12:45pm on 14th October 2021 he wrote, “I was kicked off Facebook”. In another post he tweeted at 9.18am on 19th May 2022 Breen stated, “…having my Reddit account frozen is my posts about another group have disappeared.”
UK Restraining Order – Protection from Harassment Act 1997. “Usually a temporary court order issued to prohibit an individual from carrying out a particular action, especially approaching or contacting a specified person or persons.”
Breen posted on Twitter in November 2020 confirming he has a form of Tourette’s Syndrome which, according to the NHS, “is a condition that causes a person to make involuntary sounds and body jolts called tics (fast, repetitive muscle movements).” [They also state that] there is no cure for this type of affliction.
PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, according to the NHS, “is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful events. They also state that, someone with PTSD may experience feelings of isolation, irritability and guilt. Further, these symptoms are often severe and persistent enough to have a significant impact on the person’s day-to-day life.”
PTSD Treatment – Breen states this in a Twitter post he tweeted at 2:50pm on 4th May 2022. Previously, on 21st June 2021 he posted on Instagram, “I developed PTSD in 2003”; Breen tweeted the same post at 4:52pm on the same day.
Psychosis, according to the NHS, “is when people lose some contact with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear (hallucinations) and believing things that are not actually true (delusions).” Breen tweeted about his “days of psychosis” at 8:00am on 11th October 2021, and also tweeted at 10:06pm on 5th December 2020 on how his “brain was mashed” when attempting to stalk his ex-girlfriend again in 2010.
Taken from one of Breen’s tweets in 2020: “Her neighbour has said she went shopping. I went to sutton highstreet and actually saw her. She walked on in a hypnotic state and walked into the police station where I followed. She told them I was a threat and was taken to the back. Last time I saw her”
Breen calculates in a Twitter post he tweeted at 5:11pm on 5th November 2021 that this month and year “was the second anniversary of her passing”, suggesting that she died in 2019. However, in a post he tweeted at 6:48pm on 3rd January 2022 he writes, “beloved partner who passed in November 2020”.
Sociopath – “A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour.”
Cyberstalking, according to The Cyber Helpline (who support victims of cybercrime), “is a pattern of fixated and obsessive behaviour which is repeated, persistent, intrusive and causes fear of violence or engenders alarm and distress in the victim. In the vast majority of stalking cases the stalker is known to the victim, typically an ex-intimate partner, a colleague or an acquaintance.”
Libel – “A published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.”
Slander – “the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.”
At 9:39pm on 21st July 2021 Breen posted on Twitter, “All have been reported to their employers and associates”. He also posted at 4.03pm on 15th April 2022: “It turns out that if you talk to certain professions here in the UK… they have a professional-duty-of-care and will immediately inform the police.” At 12:37am on 8th May 2022 he also tweeted, “How @XXXXxxxx exhibit an avoidant attitude to this is beyond me”.
Here is a small sample of the language Breen has used, taken from social media posts from his anonymous accounts:
7th November 2020: “anally raped her”
7th November 2020: “she’s a heartless bitch”
7th November 2020: “Believe me, this bitch can’t cry”
7th November 2020: “Awww she gonna cry on her birthday….”
7th November 2020: “Have a shite birthday bitch”
7th November 2020: “I’ve worked in intel. You’re out of your depth fucktard”
7th November 2020: “small cock corporate bullshitter”
7th November 2020: “Goodnight bitches”
8th November 2020: “You are scum! I am bringing you down”
8th November 2020: “You prick”
25th November 2020: “Utter bastards”
10th December 2020: “she joined a sex-trafficking cult”
7th January 2021: “F**K you… F**K you… F**K YOU”
28th January 2021: “SEXUAL ASSAULT”
13th June 2021: “brutal rape… PRAY her heart stops as she sleeps”
13th June 2021: “Pray with me her demise is soon.”
13th June 2021: “I pray she joins her father in hell where she should be”
23rd June 2021: “you chicken shit”
23rd June 2021: “I PRAY she BURNS IN HELL”
24th June 2021: “#scum”
20th August 2021: “If I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot fascists”
6th October 2021: “she ceased menstruating!”
Two example comments made by Breen, and taken from Twitter posts he tweeted:
2:05pm on 26th February 2022, “I would steer away from things like Neuro-Linguistic Programming [..] that can really get into your head [..]it just becomes a way to i think to control & manipulate again”
9:40pm on 10th April 2022, “I’ll give it a miss. Until the #Mindfulness sector can actually self-regulate it is not safe for anyone!”
Taken from Breen’s Twitter posts from one of his anonymous accounts:
26th April 2021 at 2:37pm: “get yourself a doorbell. I’m off to chat to your neighbours” Picture of the front door also tweeted, with the door number clearly showing.
27th April 2021 at 8:28am: Picture of the house tweeted. No text.
13th May 2021 at 4:45pm: “This beats the day of going to his London House to find he doesn’t have a doorbell!” This tweet also referenced the address.
At 7:23pm on 24th June 2021 Breen posted on Twitter, “I’ve just had a drive-by attack on Instagram!”. And at 10:37pm on 28th June 2021 he tweeted, “Do you see what THEY were trying to do to me?… This is something “groups” do.”
At 8:33pm on 24th June 2021 Breen posted on Twitter, “THE FIGHT GOES ON! I WILL HAPPILY LOSE MY LIBERTY FOR THIS FIGHT!”
On 28th June 2021 Breen posted on Twitter the following:
11:12pm – “The @CPSUK need to own this. I am unable to sleep… Today has been too much and I will be taking (sic) to solicitors about this.”
11:30pm – “When I woke up this morning in a cell I said to myself “this is totalitarianism”. This was brought in by those who do not understand this fight.”
Westminster Magistrates’ Court, London, UK; case number 2100519389.
Taken from the UK Ministry of Justice: “Reports may be commissioned through Her Majesty’s Courts Service when a defendant is considered possibly to have a mental disorder and an expert medical opinion is necessary. The purpose of such a report is to provide professional evidence to inform the magistrate or judge on how to balance the need for mentally disordered offenders to receive specialist mental treatment with an appropriate disposal proportionate to the nature and severity of their offence(s).”
At 7:05pm on 13th June 2021 Breen posted on Twitter, “And yes they are part of the legal attempts to silence me.”
The UK Ministry of Justice states that, “The RAR is one of the requirements that can be included within a community order or suspended sentence order. The main purpose is to secure someone’s rehabilitation, restoring service users to a purposeful life in which they do not reoffend.”
Curfew – A court ordering a criminal to stay at a named place at stated times of the day or night.
Electronic monitoring – A form of digital incarceration, often in the form of a wrist bracelet or ankle ‘shackle’ that can monitor a subject’s location. Recently, The UK Government has stated that tens of thousands of more criminals are to be tagged to cut crime and protect victims.
#MeToo – A movement calling attention to the frequency with which primarily women and girls experience sexual assault and harassment.
Taken from Breen’s Twitter posts:
3rd November 2021 at 6:08pm: “I was locked out of my @groupeduco account whilst the met police retain the equipment they seized.”
5th November 2021 at 2:19pm: “The police seized all electronic equipment, including my Kindle(!)”
Sectioned – The NHS states, “There are cases when a person can be detained, also known as sectioned, under the Mental Health Act (1983) and treated without their agreement. People detained under the Mental Health Act need urgent treatment for a mental health disorder and are at risk of harm to themselves or others.”
According to the Centre For Mental Health, “Secure Mental Health Services provide accommodation, treatment and support for people with severe mental health problems who pose a risk to the public. Secure services work predominantly with people who have been imprisoned or admitted directly to hospital following a criminal offence.”
Taken from Breen’s Twitter posts:
4th November 2021 at 12:25pm: “I was locked up for 15 days in the UK. #IGotOut 2 days ago!”
5th November 2021 at 2:03pm: “To remove ambiguity. 3 weeks ago 2 Met Police woke me up, here in the UK, at 11pm and my liberty was removed for 15 days”